Manual Publish Storage Deal Message
This configuration parameter allows SPs to send PSD messages based on their requirements
By default boost publishes storage deals automatically once 8 deals are in the publish queue, or after 24 hours. However some SPs need to be able to control exactly which deals to publish and when. This new feature allows SPs to turn on manual PSD. Once it is turned on, Boost will no longer send any PSD messages unless explicitly prompted by the user. The feature can be turned on with the below config variable:
Querying the deals pending to be published
The deals which have not been published can be queried using the Graphql endpoint of the Boost. The curl for the query:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"query":"query { dealPublish{ ManualPSD Deals {ID IsLegacy ClientAddress ProviderAddress CreatedAt PieceCid PieceSize ProviderCollateral StartEpoch EndEpoch ClientPeerID PublishCid Transfer { Type Size Params ClientID} Message }}}"}' http://localhost:8080/graphql/query | jq
SPs can create a decision script which queries the Graphql endpoint using the above curl and take a decision on which deal to be published.
Publishing deals
Once the decision has been taken on which deals to be published, SPs can use the Grapqhql endpoint to Publish the deals. The mutation is:
publishPendingDeals(ids: [ID!]!): [ID!]!
which takes an array of deal UUIDs to be published and an error message is returned. The following curl can be used to publish the deal.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"query":"mutation {publishPendingDeals(ids: [\"d9f849f1-d5d8-4bfc-b034-2866bddfc8cb\", \"a8eb58ef-7381-4251-ae7a-1227c032c0b9\"])}"}' http://localhost:8080/graphql/query | jq
Successful output
Failure output
Publish all deals
The publish all button in UI would have the same functionality as before. Same would be true for the Graphql mutation dealPublishNow
UI screenshots
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