How to re-index unsealed pieces that are flagged by LID in Boost v2
This pages explains how to re-index unsealed pieces flagged by the Piece Doctor in the Local Index Directory so that they are retrievable
As explained in the tutorial how to upgrade from Boost v1 to Boost v2, in Boost v2 the Local Index Directory periodically checks all pieces that the SP stores and confirms if there exists an unsealed copy of the data and whether it is indexed. If the index is missing, the piece is flagged, meaning that the operator of the SP should fix it if they wish to make it retrievable.

Fixing individual flagged unsealed pieces from the Boost Web UI is possible directly from the Web UI.
If the SP has a lot of flagged pieces, you can automate the re-indexing of pieces with the following commands:
Fetch the piececid
s of all the flagged unsealed pieces from LID
s of all the flagged unsealed pieces from LIDTrigger re-indexing of each piececid
Automatically re-index marked pieces only
This little script will fetch up to a thousand flagged pieces that are not processed yet, and will process them 4 at a time. Change the -P4 parameter to change the concurrency.
Last updated