Advanced configurations you can tune to optimize your legacy deal onboarding
Dealmaking section
This section controls parameters for making storage and retrieval deals:
[LotusDealmaking]# When enabled, the miner can accept online deals## type: bool# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_CONSIDERONLINESTORAGEDEALS#ConsiderOnlineStorageDeals = true# When enabled, the miner can accept offline deals## type: bool# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_CONSIDEROFFLINESTORAGEDEALS#ConsiderOfflineStorageDeals = true# When enabled, the miner can accept retrieval deals## type: bool# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_CONSIDERONLINERETRIEVALDEALS#ConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals = true# When enabled, the miner can accept offline retrieval deals## type: bool# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_CONSIDEROFFLINERETRIEVALDEALS#ConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals = true# When enabled, the miner can accept verified deals## type: bool# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_CONSIDERVERIFIEDSTORAGEDEALS#ConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals = true# When enabled, the miner can accept unverified deals## type: bool# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_CONSIDERUNVERIFIEDSTORAGEDEALS#ConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals = true# A list of Data CIDs to reject when making deals## type: []cid.Cid# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_PIECECIDBLOCKLIST#PieceCidBlocklist = []# Maximum expected amount of time getting the deal into a sealed sector will take# This includes the time the deal will need to get transferred and published# before being assigned to a sector## type: Duration# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_EXPECTEDSEALDURATION#ExpectedSealDuration = "24h0m0s"# Maximum amount of time proposed deal StartEpoch can be in future## type: Duration# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_MAXDEALSTARTDELAY#MaxDealStartDelay = "336h0m0s"# When a deal is ready to publish, the amount of time to wait for more# deals to be ready to publish before publishing them all as a batch## type: Duration# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_PUBLISHMSGPERIOD# PublishMsgPeriod = "40m0s"# The maximum number of deals to include in a single PublishStorageDeals# message## type: uint64# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_MAXDEALSPERPUBLISHMSG#MaxDealsPerPublishMsg = 8# The maximum collateral that the provider will put up against a deal,# as a multiplier of the minimum collateral bound## type: uint64# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_MAXPROVIDERCOLLATERALMULTIPLIER#MaxProviderCollateralMultiplier = 2# The maximum allowed disk usage size in bytes of staging deals not yet# passed to the sealing node by the markets service. 0 is unlimited.## type: int64# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_MAXSTAGINGDEALSBYTES# MaxStagingDealsBytes = 100000000000# The maximum number of parallel online data transfers for storage deals## type: uint64# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_SIMULTANEOUSTRANSFERSFORSTORAGE#SimultaneousTransfersForStorage = 20# The maximum number of simultaneous data transfers from any single client# for storage deals.# Unset by default (0), and values higher than SimultaneousTransfersForStorage# will have no effect; i.e. the total number of simultaneous data transfers# across all storage clients is bound by SimultaneousTransfersForStorage# regardless of this number.## type: uint64# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_SIMULTANEOUSTRANSFERSFORSTORAGEPERCLIENT#SimultaneousTransfersForStoragePerClient = 0# The maximum number of parallel online data transfers for retrieval deals## type: uint64# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_SIMULTANEOUSTRANSFERSFORRETRIEVAL#SimultaneousTransfersForRetrieval = 20# Minimum start epoch buffer to give time for sealing of sector with deal.## type: uint64# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_STARTEPOCHSEALINGBUFFER#StartEpochSealingBuffer = 480# A command used for fine-grained evaluation of storage deals# see for more details## type: string# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_FILTER#Filter = ""# A command used for fine-grained evaluation of retrieval deals# see for more details## type: string# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_RETRIEVALFILTER#RetrievalFilter = "" [LotusDealmaking.RetrievalPricing]# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_RETRIEVALPRICING_STRATEGY#Strategy = "default" [LotusDealmaking.RetrievalPricing.Default]# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_RETRIEVALPRICING_DEFAULT_VERIFIEDDEALSFREETRANSFER#VerifiedDealsFreeTransfer = true [LotusDealmaking.RetrievalPricing.External]# env var: LOTUS_LOTUSDEALMAKING_RETRIEVALPRICING_EXTERNAL_PATH#Path = ""
ExpectedSealDuration is an estimate of how long sealing will take and is used to reject deals whose start epoch might be earlier than the expected completion of sealing. It can be estimated by benchmarking or by pledging a sector.
The final value of ExpectedSealDuration should equal (TIME_TO_SEAL_A_SECTOR + WaitDealsDelay) * 1.5. This equation ensures that the miner does not commit to having the sector sealed too soon
StartEpochSealingBuffer allows lotus-miner to seal a sector before a certain epoch. For example: if the current epoch is 1000 and a deal within a sector must start on epoch 1500, then lotus-miner must wait until the current epoch is 1500 before it can start sealing that sector. However, if Boost sets StartEpochSealingBuffer to 500, the lotus-miner can start sealing the sector at epoch 1000.
If there are multiple deals in a sector, the deal with a start time closest to the current epoch is what StartEpochSealingBuffer will be based off. So, if the sector in our example has three deals that start on epoch 1000, 1200, and 1400, then lotus-miner will start sealing the sector at epoch 500.
Publishing several deals in one message
The PublishStorageDeals message can publish multiple deals in a single message. When a deal is ready to be published, Boost will wait up to PublishMsgPeriod for other deals to be ready before sending the PublishStorageDeals message.
However, once MaxDealsPerPublishMsg is ready, Boost will immediately publish all the deals.
For example, if PublishMsgPeriod is 1 hour:
At 1:00 pm, deal 1 is ready to publish. Boost will wait until 2:00 pm for other deals to be ready before sending PublishStorageDeals.
At 1:30 pm, Deal 2 is ready to publish
At 1:45 pm, Deal 3 is ready to publish
At 2:00pm, Boost publishes Deals 1, 2, and 3 in a single PublishStorageDeals message.
If MaxDealsPerPublishMsg is 2, then in the above example, when deal 2 is ready to be published at 1:30, Boost would immediately publish Deals 1 & 2 in a single PublishStorageDeals message. Deal 3 would be published in a subsequent PublishStorageDeals message.
If any of the deals in the PublishStorageDeals fails validation upon execution, or if the start epoch has passed, all deals will fail to be published
Using filters for fine-grained storage and retrieval deal acceptance
Your use case might demand very precise and dynamic control over a combination of deal parameters.
Boost provides two IPC hooks allowing you to name a command to execute for every deal before the miner accepts it:
Filter for storage deals.
RetrievalFilter for retrieval deals.
The executed command receives a JSON representation of the deal parameters on standard input, and upon completion, its exit code is interpreted as:
0: success, proceed with the deal.
non-0: failure, reject the deal.
The most trivial filter rejecting any retrieval deal would be something like: RetrievalFilter = "/bin/false". /bin/false is binary that immediately exits with a code of 1.
This Perl script lets the miner deny specific clients and only accept deals that are set to start relatively soon.
You can also use a third party content policy framework like CIDgravity or bitscreen by Murmuration Labs:
# grab filter add it to both filtersFilter="/path/to/go/bin/bitscreen"RetrievalFilter="/path/to/go/bin/bitscreen"