Backup and Restore

How to backup and restore Boost


Boost now supports both online and offline backups. The backup command will output a backup directory containing the following files.

  1. metadata - contains backup of leveldb

  2. boostd.db - backup of deals database

  3. keystore - directory containing libp2p keys

  4. token - API token

  5. config - directory containing all config files and config.toml link

  6. storage.json - file containing storage details

Backup does not backs up the deal logs and dagstore.

Online backup

You can take an online backup with the below command

boostd backup <backup directory>

The online backup supports running only one instance at a time and you might see a locking error if another instance of backup is already running.

Offline backup

  1. Shutdown boostd before taking a backup

  2. Take a backup using the command line

boostd backup --offline <backup directory>


  1. Make sure that --boost-repo flag is set if you wish to restore to a custom location. Otherwise, it will be restored to ~/.boost directory

  2. Restore the boost repo using the command line

boostd restore <backup directory>

Last updated