Roll back to Lotus markets service process

This section describes how to roll back to Lotus markets service process if you are not happy with boostd

Before you begin migration from Lotus markets service process to Boost, make sure you have a backup of your Lotus repository, by following the Lotus documentation. You can also do a full backup of the Lotus markets repository directory.

  1. If you haven't made any legacy deals with Boost:

    1. Stop boostd

    2. Run your lotus-miner markets service process as you previously did

  2. If you have made new legacy deals with Boost, and want to migrate them back:

    1. Stop boostd

    2. Copy the dagstore directory from boost repository to markets repository.

    3. Export Boost deals datastore keys/values: lotus-shed market export-datastore --repo <repo> --backup-dir <backup-dir> Wrote backup file to <backup-dir>/markets.datastore.backup

    4. Import the exported deals datastore keys/values from boost to lotus markets: lotus-shed market import-datastore --repo <repo> --backup-path <backup-path> Completed importing from backup file <backup-path>

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