Boost stores metadata about deals in a sqlite database in the root directory of the Boost repo.
To open the database use a sqlite client:
sqlite3 boost.db
The database tables are
metadata about Boost storage deals (eg deal proposal) and their current state (eg checkpoint)
log of each change in funds reserved for a deal
how much FIL is tagged for deal collateral and publish message for a deal
log of each change in storage reserved for a deal
how much storage is tagged for a deal
Boost keeps a separate database just for deal logs, so as to make it easier to manage log data separately from deal metadata. The logs database is named boost.logs.db
and it has a single table DealLogs
that stores logs for each deal, indexed by uuid.
Boost uses goose
( tool and library for handling sqlite3 migrations.
can be installed following the instructions at
Migrations in Boost are stored in the /db/migrations
Boost handles database migrations on start-up. If a user is running an older version of Boost, migrations up to the latest version are automatically applied on start-up.
Developers can use goose
to inspect and apply migrations using the CLI: